Terms And Conditions

The Terms of Use set forth by ReeDiscount, as well as the privacy policy, is put herein by orientation, would direct the utilization of our services, content, as well as information therein, the rediscount.com website, or any other subdomain of rediscount.com, or/and any of our official Site, or even applications of a browser extension on which we offer our services.  Collectively, we call them ''Sites". 

Using the Site

If you access our Site, then it is obligatory to agree to our terms of use, as well as abide by the laws and the regulations that apply. Anyone not agreeing to the terms and conditions might be subjected to a prohibited user. 

You can use our Site without any registration. However, if you want to make use of our offers and services, you must register using our name and your email ID. The account that you open would be solely for your personal utilities and is not transferrable. You may not be allowed any other person or entity to use the Site on your behalf. If you do, then you shall be solely responsible for the security of your account and any unauthorized use of passwords and related aspects. We reserve the right to terminate or at least suspend your account without any prior notice. We can also do the same on detection of the violation of any account. 

By signing up with us, you allow us at ReeDiscount, as well as our merchants, the ability to monitor your activities with our account. We reserve the right to pursue any legal action that might be necessary on the basis of any suspected abuse, fraud, or suspicious action that relates to the utilization of our services and offers. You are to cooperate with any such investigation or action if needs arise. Post investigation, you might be subjected to monetary fines and would even incur arbitration and/ or litigation costs, as well as damages. 

You do have the right to cancel your personal time any time. All you need to do is to choose the ""Delete Account"" button, which you will find in the account settings tab of our official Site. However, by the time you delete your account, any unredeemed reward that you might have earned, would be deemed void immediately.

Also, all the rewards that you have accrued is going to expire if you do not make a qualified purchase through your Membership Account within the stipulated time. The rewards are likely to be there for a period of one year. 

We also have the right to consider the expansion of the validity of our coupons. This would be done in own discretion. We might also offer it on the basis of individual Membership. Also, if any of our clients wish to maintain the account, without making any qualifying purchase, then it can be made by sending a mail to our official email id, citing to maintain your ReeDiscount Account. The mail should also be done through our registered number.

Liability Limitation

Our Site, including the contents that our site offers, is solely shown on an “as is" basis. This means that we offer no warranties or representations of the content of our Site. There might be typographical errors, for which we take no responsibility. Moreover, so far as the law permits, we do not claim any express or implied warranty. This includes merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness of the product or service for a particular purpose. We do not take the guarantee that the functions of the Site can be corrected in real-time. Also, we cannot guarantee that the server will always be completely secure and offer uninterrupted services. We cannot take the guarantee for the content or the error in the contents that the 3rd parties post, as well.

For the residents in California, we waive the California Civil Code Section 1542 regarding the foregoing, which reads, ""A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which is known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor." 

Under no circumstances, ReeDiscount would be responsible for:

Any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages. This includes, but does not remain limited to, the damages accrued for profits and loss, delay, business interruption, loss of information or products, or transactions conducted during the service.

Any claim subject to omissions, errors, or similar inaccuracies during the service or any material and/or information downloaded during the service.

This is because many US states do not accept the liability limitation for such incidental damages. In the states where such law is not applicable, ReeDiscount would take liability to the greatest extent that the prevailing law permits. Yet, under no circumstances would ReeDiscount take liability that amounts beyond $100 or a time beyond twelve (12) months.

On Indemnification

By joining us, our clients agree to indemnify, defend, and also hold ReeDiscount and its vendors, advertisers, services, and products providers, parents, licensors, affiliated companies, and subsidiaries, well as well as the contractors, employees, managers, members, shareholders, officers, directors and agents from all sorts of claims, losses, liabilities, costs, obligations, and expenses. Our members should also agree to pay for expenses like attorney fees, which relate to the following:

You're violating any of the rules and/or terms and conditions that we have laid out.

Your utilization and access to the Site, or any of our services, warranties, copyright, information leakage, and similar aspects.

Any violation of the rights that the 3rd party enjoys.

Any claim that relates to one or more than one submission to our Site that has damaged a 3rd party in any form.

We, at ReeDiscount, have the right to take or assume exclusive control or defense to any claim for which we, or any of our listed services are made subjected to indemnification. If such circumstances arrive, then the member should pay for all the costs and fees for the defence. Also, you would be obligated to cooperate with us for no charge. We reasonably request this in order to assert any defences available. 


The materials that appear on the Site of ReeDiscount are likely to include typographical, technical, and also photographic mistakes. We do not guarantee that all our materials that appear on the Site are error-free, updated, and complete. We are likely to make the changes in the materials without much ado. However, we can make the changes prior to any notice. However, we do not take any guarantee that our content or materials will be updated.


We may not always review each of the sites that get linked to our Site. We shall not be held responsible for the contents of these sites. Hence, our clients need to click on the sites at their own risk. 

Dispute Resolution

We interpret our terms and conditions of use as per the law of the state, that we are headquartered in, and the law of the USA, in general. However regarding the provision of conflict of law, we would primarily follow the law of our headquartered office, as specify the exceptions on the Site. You can learn about them by visiting the Site.

Both we and our customers agree that in case of a dispute redressal, a party that wishes to address the issue should let the other party know in writing. Also, an email should be sent, writing the other party in full detailed information. This helps in making a solution, wherever possible, without complicating the matter. We are likely to get back to our clients via mail as well as through letters. Our clients ' mail should reach us at our official email address, and the heading "DISPUTE NOTICE" should be the subject. We expect our clients to have good faith in our customer service and systematic grievance redressal system. Then, there is always the option to go for arbitration if a reasonable solution is not arrived.


Our terms of use would be subjected to the provision of arbitration. The concerned waiver would have the right to precede any action to the court. The proceedings shall be started quickly and carried out promptly. In case more than a day becomes essential, then the arbitration hearing might be conducted on successive days if not otherwise settled in writing by both parties.

Conclusions and Findings: When arbitrators arrive at a judgment or award a verdict, then it should be deemed the ultimate binding for both parties. And the judgment awarded thus might enter in the court of the right jurisdiction. 

Fees and costs: As a party, you would be required to arrange for a filing fee on your own before starting the arbitration. Each of the parties would manage its own expenses and costs and share the administrative charges of the arbitration equally. Both parties shall be responsible for bearing the costs, as well as fees and expenditures that the procedures might involve. 

Litigation: Both of the Federal Arbitration Act and Law apply to our terms of use. However, either of the parties might seek from a court, falling under the jurisdiction, any provisional or interim relief, which is needed to guard the property or rights of that concerned party awaiting the concern of the arbitral hearing (or awaiting the tribunal's the merits of any arising controversy).

Class-Action Waiver: Any claim, arbitration, or proceedings between the party and us shall be conducted as individual cases and not like a proceeding or class action, mass action, or any such representation. The arbitrator might not have the right to award relief on a class-wide basis or aggregate any unrelated transactions or any similar cases and claims.  Also, by agreeing to our terms of use, you are specifically prohibited from getting arbitration proceedings as a form of other representatives. Any claim that might be deemed unconscionable, void, unenforceable, or voidable might be determined only by the court of capable jurisdiction and not by any arbitrator. 

Our Rewards Program 

This allows you to take home incentives by conducting qualified purchases. It can also be possible through the different deals and promotions that we keep on offering.

Our customers might want to install a particular browser extension that we recommend. Doing so, our clients would enjoy a limited right and non-exclusive permission to use the extension for their personal use. However, we would have the right to update, or modify the extension even without prior notice.

You need not pay anything extra to join our Rewards Program.

However, to be a part of the program, it is important that our clients are over 18 (eighteen) years of age and have a working PayPal account with an address registered in the USA. If you live in an area where such programs are prohibited by law, then our programs would be void there. In keeping with this, ReeDiscount reserves the right to allow or debt the participation in any program that does not comply with the local law.

Our Rewards often come in the shape of cashback (often dubbed as ""Rewards"" or/and ""Cashback Rewards"") on the purchases made with our selected Merchants (or merchant websites). 

To receive your rewards, you need to sign upfor our ReeDiscount account. Make sure that you activate the cookies on the browser. Also, you need to make a qualifying purchase. You can make it either by clicking on a cashback link that we are offering or through a selected Merchant. The purchase can be invalid if you click on any other cashback or coupon websites or similar affiliates.

Our cashback rewards are not available for the items prohibited by law, the value of a given Merchant coupon or discounts, shipping, gift wrapping, gift cards, extended warranty, credit, taxes (in most of the cases), or just any other item that the merchants take to be ineligible.

We may not take a purchase to be a qualified ones and retain the cashback or similar rewards if the concerned Merchant exchanges, returns, or cancells the order. 

Also, it is on the members to ensure that the reward money has been properly credited to their designated accounts. Any question or query, or complaints regarding the credit might be made within the 90 (ninety) days of qualified purchase. Or to make claims for any missing cashback, you need to fill in an online form, which is available on our company website.

We would record the reward only if the value shots are over $0.01.

On certain occasions, our merchants have the right to make adjustments in the rate of commission that they usually offer. This might either decrease or increase the rate of cashback that we offer to our clients. Under such circumstances, we might not offer the commission that I advertised on the Site. Though we take all possible care to keep our data as accurate as they can be, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the various information that we post. We do not take any liability for any inadvertent or accidental omissions or errors or any damage that might have given rise due to that.

We have the discretion to deduct the cashback amount from your registered account. This would enable us to adjust the cancellations and returns related to purchases in our Rewards Program. We make such deductions on the basis of the agreement that we are making, as well as in the company policies and the terms that our affiliate stores offer. Furthermore, adjustments would be made in accordance with the applicable rules, regulations, and laws.

It is compulsory for you, as a member, to connect your PayPal account with your registered ReeDiscount account. You cannot link a single PayPal account to multiple used accounts. The amount accrued as a part of the rewards program would be credited on a monthly basis. However, we can only process the payment for the member reward when the balance reaches the $10 mark.

Apart from the Rewards Program, our Merchants have the right to set their own terms and regulations. Their rules have a lot to do with how we share our reward programs and offers. Additionally, our merchants might offer incentives that are beyond the deals that we have to offer. Such offers will not be considered when calculating your reward amount. ReeDiscount would further take no responsibility for such deals that our merchants directly offer.

From one time to another, both ReeDiscount and its merchants might offer extra rewards through promotions, offers, and similar programs. Such promotions and offers might be subjected to a separate set of terms and conditions. 


We reserve the right to alter or terminate, provisionally or everlastingly, our offers and services at any time and even without previous notice. If we make any such changes, then we will post the details on our Site. Such modifications would involuntarily take effect after posting. 


Under, residents of who use this Site would be allowed to be acquainted with that they might file a grievance with the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services.

3rd Party Sites

You shall be taken to online merchants and other 3rd party sites through frames or links or frames from our Site. We work as an index of other sites and the offers that they promote. Our Site does not vend any service or product to customers. Plus, nothing shown on our Site shall be interpreted as a tender to trade anything or go into any type of dealing relationship. Any purchase that you make should be through other websites as well as from other businesses. You are thereby being suggested to go through the policies and terms and conditions of all such sites. This includes the policies on warranty, return, sales, and privacy before utilizing the offers of such sites on your own to your satisfaction.


We might show advertisements on our own behalf or even show paid advertisements for interested companies and/or individuals. If you click on advertisements, then you might be transferred to the advertiser's website or even obtain other information, messages, or deals from the concerned advertiser. You recognize and concur that Reediscount.com is not legally responsible for the privacy practices or privacy breaches of such advertisers or the substance of their sites, messages, information, or deals. As the user, you are completely accountable for all interactions with such advertisers in addition to all transactions that you might execute subsequently. 

You Must Be Over 18 

To agree to our agreement and use the Site, you need to be 18 or above 18 years of age. In case a guardian or a parent wants to permit their minor ward, then it has to be done under his/ her supervision. The supervisor should also monitor how the concerned minor uses the Site. Anyone accessing the coupons from a country where the site material is illegal or prohibited should be liable for any legal step taken against the offender.