Privacy Policy

At ReeDiscount, all our reference in the policy, as well as our vendors' would be hereby referred to as "us", "our", and "we" as deemed appropriate. All the references in such policies as documented on our official website would be referred to as "our website".

Our members' privacy is valuable to us. It is on us to stay fair, accountable, and transparent while collecting and using your personal data. Our privacy policy, along with our terms and conditions, explains:

The Information that we take from you.

The way that we use the Information.

The way we store the Information.

The way to access the Information.

The Information That We Collect

We gather Information from our clients to show them the offers that our team feels would be most relevant and to give the best service possible while using ReeDiscount.

The Information that Our Clients Give

Our clients might furnish us with their personal Information on their own. However, our team can also retrieve Information from 3rd parties, such as market research enterprises, marketing agencies, various contractors, suppliers, consultants, public websites, public agencies, and group companies.

Information for Registration

While initially accessing ReeDiscount and using a coupon, ReeDiscount can ask you to provide your personal Information and register. We can ask for details, such as your name, email ID, birthday, city, postcode, gender, and country. At ReeDiscount, we use this Information to personalize our services for our clients. However, we never lend, share, or sell the information that we get to any other company for marketing purposes. We would ask for your content if we have to share the Information for any cause.

About Information Available on Our Partner Merchants' Website 

It is possible that you will find the links to our 3rd party website from the official Site of ReeDiscount. We allow such hyperlinks only for the sake of reference and convenience of our clients. It does not mean that we endorse the contents or the activities of such 3rd party vendors. We do not have any link with the operators of such businesses, as well. ReeDiscount does not take any responsibility for any data that such 3rd party companies get about you or utilize. Such websites are likely to have their own sets of privacy policies, which might differ from ours. So it is up to you to check them. Also, we do not take any responsibility for their personal policies, as we do not have any control over them. 

Information That We Get While You Utilize Our Service

The Redemption Data 

While using ReeDiscount coupons, our team will gather information about the way you use our site. For example, when you redeem a coupon, we can record the particulars of the order concerned, the time, the date, and the device used for the redemption. We can use these details to personalize offers for you in the future.

Location Information 

On using our website, we are likely to take note of your location and use it in the future to show the offers that goes love at a place near you.

Cookies and Other Technologies (Cookie Policy)

Some of the pages on the ReeDiscount website utilize cookies. These are small files that we place on the internet browser and work for anyone visiting our website. We use these cookies to tailor our services in the future. Our cookies make it possible to remember and understand our unique preferences for browsing. However, you have the right to block our cookies, partially or wholly, at any time that you want. But blocking the cookies wholly on the browser settings means that you block the essential cookies, as well. This might forbid you from accessing certain parts of the website or sometimes the whole part that offers maximum functionality.

How We Use Your Information 

We utilize your Information in the following ways:

Better communication: For better communication so that we can inform you about the best orders before anyone else. We can also send emails and push notifications on deals that might interest you. We make it through our push notifications and business emails.

Sending emails: Once our clients become members of ReeDiscount, we can send newsletters through email to inform them about our specially curated deals and offers, which are not only exclusive to us but also special deals from our partners. You can always unsubscribe from this value added service from us. All you need to do is to click the "unsubscribe" button that each of our mails come with.

Communicating directly with us: We can retain the emails that you send us for future reference.

Personalized suggestion: For more personalized content, we collect information on your activities on our Site. This helps us interpret your unique needs and requirements better. This further helps us to customize the newsletters that we send to you so that you get the details of only those deals that might interest you. 

Better experience: For a better experience, our use of cookies and similar technologies helps us to take in and store information about our clients every time you visit the ReeDiscount site. For this, we conduct activities like retaining your password, making it easy to log in to your account automatically, and showing you the advertisements that relate to the products that you have already searched for. Also, we are likely to utilize your personal data for further improvement and better maintenance of our website and also to give a technical hand to our website. 

Furthermore, we will use the information to understand your pattern of visits to the website. This helps us to prepare our reports or to compile our members' statistics. This allows us to understand the type of clients we generally have. It also helps us to trace how they utilize our offers, as well as our website. We use the data to make our Site and services more intuitive. However, we will keep the information we gather anonymous. None of our clients would be recognized or singled out on the basis of the collected Information

Better insight: For better insight, we use techniques like Google Analytics to collect statistical Information on the way people utilize our appliance Site. This not only helps us to move as a service, but we can also provide feedback to our merchants. However, the statistical data that we get would not work to identify any of our clients personally.

Other Uses of Information 

We also reserve the right to use, collect, and save your personal data for other important reasons. For example, it helps deal with the issues or inquiries that you have had with us. This includes the records of your inquiries, requests, and complaints that you have made with us. If you have not yet completed the contract with us, then we reserve the right to utilize the Information we have gathered to cater to our legitimate activities if needs arise. Such issues might crop up for the need of any business administration, corporate reporting, insurance coverage, research and development, and also to trace the scopes to increase our business efficiency. 

General Use of Your Personal Information 

In general, the personal data that we collect and gather from you would be used for:

Understand the brands, the products, and the services that you prefer.

Collect Information on creating more relevant hashtags and content so that we can reach more relevant audiences.

Identifying the actual users of our services from the others.

Improving our quality of customer service when you interact with us.

Sending survey reports and forms, newsletters, offers, and similar promotional and marketing materials.

Sending you emails for administrative purposes.

Creating Anonymous Data

We are likely to make our own anonymous information records from collecting personal data. However, while doing so, we might not include Information like names. So, there is a lesser chance of identifying you as a particular user. Our anonymous data is helpful in analyzing the usage and request pattern. This helps in improving the quality of service and systematic navigation on the Site. However, it is in our exclusive discretion to disclose the details of anonymous Information to our 3rd party vendors or use the data for any purpose that might benefit our business.

Disclosure of Anonymous Data

We have the right to reveal the details of our data in the following aspects:

3rd party merchants: Our 3rd party merchants might use your personal data to encourage you to participate in their campaigns, to run smooth testing of quality assurance, to create individual member accounts, to offer apt technical support, and to similar activities. Moreover, when talking about promotion, operation, advertising, or the production of coupons, we might share some of your information with our merchants (this includes your name and username). We can also share some content that relates to your personal Information (this includes your profile picture). We can also allow some of the merchants to access our APIs KD Application Program Interfaces. To access APIs, we might use Information from platforms like X handle, which is visible from the outside.

Affiliates: We also have the right to share all of your Personal Information, or at least some of it, with our joint ventures, parent companies, or subsidiaries, which are collectively called affiliates, or the companies that come under a common controlling unit.

Corporate Reconstruction: When we are in negotiation for any financing explanation, merger, acquisition, or even dissolution, or just any proceeds that involve transfers, sales, or divestiture or disclosure of a part of a whole of the business, or in the verge of insolvency, or receivership, or bankruptcy then we can share your personal data that we have already collected. We can also transfer the personal data in the form of business assets. If another company possesses the data that we have gathered, then that company would have similar obligations to the clients, as we have explained in our privacy policy.

SNS to Social Networking Sites: As a service, we allow our clients to post different content on our social networking sites. Anyone willing to do it will be provided with information that is legally permissible? But even doing so, you shall be solely responsible for the content that you post, and ReeDiscount will in no way be responsible for the accuracy and privacy policy of such platforms.

Other disclosure types: You are obliged to disclose your Personal Information under certain circumstances in good faith. For example, it would be necessary if any legal investigation is involved, if needs arise to review and comply with the legal provisions of any particular state, or to look into the matter of any violation of the law.

3rd Party websites: Our sites are likely to have hyperlinks to other 3rd party websites. So if you click on any one of them, then you can be directed to the websites of such 3rd party companies, leaving our Site, and it might land you to an entirely different entity, as well. That entity might collect your personal data afresh, however, sometimes anonymously. No matter the way they do, we have no say.

Other disclosures

Some other factors where you might be obliged to disclose your own Information include:

Third-party websites: Our Site may contain links to third-party websites. When you click on a link to any other website or location, you will leave our Site and go to another site, and another entity may collect Personal Data or Anonymous Data from you. We have no control over the policy of such websites or the content, and we shall not be responsible for the contents or the advertisements that such websites offer. We, therefore, recommend going through the privacy policies of such websites before furnishing them with any such information that such websites might call for. Also, ReeDiscount is not responsible for any of the services, products, deals, or offers that such 3rd party merchants might offer. 

Lawful Basis of Processing 

The following is our legal basis for utilizing the personal data that we collect from you:

We might use your own Information to do any obligations that fall under any contract that we have concluded with you. This includes any information that might be necessary to complete any order that you complete with us. It might also be necessary to go with the terms of usage of our services, which include everything you have already agreed to.

Our terms of service can also be necessary to manage safety and health purposes.

For our own website operation or other administrative purposes.

To expand or develop our business.

You should, however be rest assured that we do not outweigh our legitimate interests to your fundamental freedom or right, which requires protection of your personal Information. In this regard, you can ask for any necessary information. However, for the need of marketing, we are likely to retrieve your personal Information after your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent even after giving. However, in the future, this might hinder us from offering our best-curated offers to you. 

Storing Your Information 

We might keep your Information longer than what might be necessary. This is for the processing of the fact and figures that we compile to make our customer database. 

Security Question 

We understand that the main risk of processing personal Information is its safety. If it is misused, stolen, or lost, then it might fall into unsafe hands. This is why our team is always committed to keeping your Information as secure as it can be. For this, we take apt technical and organizational steps. However, it is important to note that all processing procedures on the internet are not always completely secure. Even then, we can assure you that we use the strictest and the most updated security features. However, we still recommend keeping your password to yourself and not sharing it with others while accessing our Site. We do not ask you to share your password. 

Your Rights

You do have certain rights to enjoy while sharing our personal data with ReeDiscount.  You enjoy rights like:

Right to access: You can have access to any data that you share with us. You can also request a copy of how we are using your Information, how we are storing it, why it is being used, and similar queries.

Updating information: You have the right to update all your personal data which you have previously shared.

Delete Information: You have the right to ask us to delete any information that you don't want to share anymore under certain circumstances. You can contact us for further Information about whether it can be deleted. However, while we would delete the Information available to us, it can be tricky to make other companies, whom we have already forwarded the data previously, to delete such Information, as well.

Restrict information use: You have the right to ask us to restrict our usage of Information in the way we usually do.  You can contact us for further Information about whether it can be deleted. However, while we would delete the Information available to us, it can be tricky to make other companies, whom we have already forwarded the data previously, to delete such Information, as well.

Stop marketing: You can ask us not to use your given Information for the marketing strategies, as we usually do. 

Data portability: Though we transfer our client data to third-party merchants on an automated basis, there are certain occasions where we need clients' consent to share the details. In such cases, you have the right to allow or prohibit the transfer of details.

Raise objection: It is your right to raise any valid objection in the way we utilize your personal data if it is legitimate.

We can consider all the objections and requests if they are made in keeping with the general US law and, more specifically, the law at the place where we are headquartered. However, under certain conditions, we reserve the right to exempt ourselves from such circumstances under specific conditions primarily when guided by law.


We do not entertain joining requests or retrieve Information from users below 18 (eighteen) years of age. If we inadvertently receive Information from a minor, then such Information would be deleted immediately. You can send an email to ( us if you know someone underage who has opened her/his account with us. 


We may collect and use your personal information for marketing by email, telephone, and post. However, in places where the law requires us to send such notifications only after the consent of the party, we would make it. If you want to get less communication or stop getting such emails altogether, then you can request us to do so through mail.

Changes in the Policy

ReeDiscount has the ultimate right to modify or change its Privacy Policy. Any changes that we might make to this Privacy Policy in the near or distant future will be communicated through this page. Also, we would make the announcement wherever appropriate. You can frequently check back to see any changes or updates to this Privacy Policy.

Contacting Us

Should our clients have any queries or complaints regarding our services, collection, utilization, or storage of personal data, or in case our clients wish to enjoy any of their rights regarding your personal data, then you can contact our official email, which is ( We will look into the matter and try to resolve any dispute or complaint regarding the disclosure or use of our client's personal data.

According to Article 77 of the US General Data Protection Regulation, you can also lodge a complaint to the office of the US Information Commissioner or to the data security regulator where you work or live. However, you can also complain in the place where the alleged violation of personal data privacy has happened. As an alternative, you can ask for a solution through the court. This is feasible if you think that your rights have not been recognized. 

These above-described practices for Privacy Policy are current as of today.