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InstaCake Cards presents a rather unique offer to join in with any celebration. Every purchase at the store consists of a greeting card along with everything you need to make an instant cake! It’s a fun way to celebrate the occasions that bring people together in joy and happiness. All you have to do to prepare the cake is to add water to the mix, and voila! You should be ready with a delicious instant cake, ready to lift your mood! Also, you should be able to save money on every purchase you make at the store. Simply use the InstaCake Cards promo codes from ReeDiscount and apply them at checkout.
Buyers love the celebratory ambience at the store. The website is quite self-explanatory, presenting the celebration cake for your pleasure. Also, with every purchase you make, the company donates 5% of the profit to earth-friendly charities. The insta-cake pack consists of the cake mix, baking case, and frosting, along with rainbow sprinkles and a celebration topper. You can buy a single card or buy multiple cards. The best-sellers at the store include the Birthday Cake Card-Pink and the Let’s Celebrate Cake Card-Gold. Remember to use the InstaCake Cards coupons when you make a purchase to claim the discounts!
Shipping: Shipping is done to Canada and North America.
Return and Refund: Since the company sells a perishable food item, returns are not allowed on the purchases. This is because the company is in no position to verify the way the products are stored after the purchase. Also, there is no way to confirm whether the product has been contaminated after purchase.
Customer Support: Chat support options are available. Also, you can choose to fill out the online contact form with your query.
Tel : 1-250-586-1987
Just apply the InstaCake Cards Promo Code from ReeDiscount to the final payment page of the official site.
Standard shipping time in the US is 7 days. In Canada, you should expect the cake to arrive within 7-10 days.
Yes, all ingredients are ethically sourced to make sure buyers have the best experience.
You can get the InstaCake Cards Coupon Codes from ReeDiscount. Simply copy the link and use it at checkout for the automatic discounts on into-cakes.
The cake is made to last 12 months from the manufacturing date.