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dotFM is a web domain seller with a special focus on music. The super domain hosts some of the most popular brands in streaming, including,,, Anchor. fm, and Last. fm. The San Francisco Business Times has reported the company to be one of the fastest-growing private entities in the market. The company holds an esteemed rank in the list of the Top 75 Media Companies. Also, the company holds an astonishing record of being recognized as among the fastest-growing private services in the United States of America for 50 consecutive years in Inc.5000. Entrepreneurs can purchase domains from them at discounts. You need to use the dotFM promo codes from ReeDiscount.
The super domain presents an ultra-professional store ambiance aimed with minimal focus on digital marketing. The overall ambiance is remarkably lackluster, presenting a barebones intro into the services therein. You would definitely appreciate the convenience of getting straight to the point at the store and heading over to the Buy Domains segment. Here, you can find multiple options such as Internationalized Domains, Premium Domains, Premium Plus+ Domains, Emoji Domains, and NFT Domains, etc. You would be able to find the available singular domains amidst each super category at your discretion. Remember to use the dotFM coupon codes when you make a purchase to claim your markdowns.
Shipping Policy : You gain access to the purchased domain after you pay for it. Internationalized domains are also available at dotFM. Try Free Shipping Offer for a discount on shipping at dotFM.
Refund Policy : A return and refund policy is not immediately available on the website. However, you can raise a ticket, by submitting your query. You can also search the extensive knowledge base for more information.
Customer Support : The web store offers an online support helpdesk where you can submit a ticket. Contact numbers are also provided at dotFM.
Contact : 1-415-424-4663
Yes, it is a super domain store where you can buy and sell domains.
Yes, you can get internationalized domains.
Yes, you can use a dotFM Promo Code when making a purchase.
Yes, you need to log in to a secured account at the site to manage your domain(s). Your account is primarily protected by 2 2-factor authentication (2FA).
You can find the latest dotFM Discount Codes at ReeDiscount. Usually, you should be able to apply one code for a single purchase.